Ms. Aakriti Jain was selected for a poster presentation at the 17th Annual International Biocuration Conference, held at IBDC, RCB Faridabad from 5th-8th March.
Sachin, M.Sc. Student, Awarded with Gold Medal in 100th Convocation of University of Delhi
Sachin, Than, Jhanak, Nikita, students of Department of Biophysics and Prof. Manisha Goel won third prize at Climate knowledge Hunt Hackathon on 26-27/02/2024.
Miss Aakriti Jain was invited for a flash talk at the 7th International Symposium on Bioinformatics (InSyb) held virtually on 14th December 2023.
Govinda Rao Dabburu, PhD Scholar in the lab of Dr. Manish Kumar, was awarded the “Best Oral Presentation” at National Symposium of Biophysics, Biophysika held at Jamia Millia Islamia on 28th February 2024.
Miss Aakriti Jain, PhD Scholar in the lab of Dr. Manish Kumar was selected for an oral talk in the young scientist session and presented a poster of her research work at GIW-ISCB Asia, conference held in Singapore. She was awarded a grant from the ISCB-SC to attend the event and represent the society at the conference.
Students of the department were selected to contribute as the organising team members for the 2nd Asian Student Council Symposium organized by ISCB-SC and its RSGs on 25th November 2023
Congratulations to PhD students of the department, Ms. Aakriti Jain, Mr. Govinda Rao Dabburu and Ms. Nikita Ray for being selected as the President, Vice President (operations) and Digital Head of ISCB RSG India respectively
Miss Aakriti Jain successfully completed her APBioNET SAP ambassadorship under the mentorship of Dr. Kiyoko F. Aoki Kinoshita, Soka University Japan.
Congratulations to department faculty and PhD scholars for taking up roles in ISCB-SC RSG India. Govinda Rao Dabburu as the president , Nikita Ray as the secretary and Dr, Manish Kumar as the faculty advisor for the year 2024-2025.
Dr. Somendro Nambram Singh and Ms. Manisha Aswal were awarded Forderverine Grant to attend ESCMID 2023, Denmark
The two topper gold medalists of first batch of M.Sc. Biophysics-2020-22 (Kshitij & Pamei))
2021 AWSAR Award
Awarded Professor
T Daniel Tuikhang Koren
Participation of Ms. Manisha Aswal as Young Investigator in 13th India Probiotic Symposium 2023 at ILBS on 25-26March,2023
Manisha Aswal: Presented poster in ESCMID 2023, Denmark titled “GSOligos : A tool to discover and detect bacteria from metagenomic reads”