Ms. Manisha Aswal delivered Oral presentation in FEMS 2023 and Awarded FEMS congress Attendance grant.
“Meet the bioinformatics” series episode 6 seminar jointly organised with ISCB RSG-India on 28/08/2023 welcoming DR. SUDHIR THAKURELA, Harvard Medical School.
Successfully completed two-days workshop on “Recent Advances in Drug Discovery” by Schrodinger organised in association with RSG-India on 10-11th July, 2023
Students and the staff members attending the live streaming of Prime Minister Narendra Modi visiting Delhi University Centenary Celebration on 30/06/2023 in the Department
Manisha Aswal: Presented poster in ESCMID 2023, Denmark titled “GSOligos : A tool to discover and detect bacteria from metagenomic reads”
Dr. Somendro Nambram Singh and Ms. Manisha Aswal were awarded Forderverine Grant to attend ESCMID 2023, Denmark
Dr. Manish kumar presented at ESCMID 2023, Denmark
Participation of Ms. Manisha Aswal as Young Investigator in 13th India Probiotic Symposium 2023 at ILBS on 25-26March,2023
Interview session in “Meet the bioinformatics” series episode 4 jointly organised with ISCB RSG-India on 16/06/2023 welcoming Prof. Ramakrishna Ramaswamy, Visiting Professor, IIT Delhi.
“Meet the bioinformatics” series episode 3 seminar jointly organised with ISCB RSG-India on 30/05/2023 welcoming Prof. Andrew Lynn, JNU Delhi.
Seminar organised by Department of Biophysics in association with RSG-India welcoming Prof. B. Jayaram (Emeritus Professor, IIT Delhi)
Publication by Anjali Garg, Govinda Rao Dabburu, Neelja Singhal and Manish Kumar
Congratulations to PhD students of the department, Ms. Aakriti Jain, Mr. Govinda Rao Dabburu and Ms. Nikita Ray for being selected as the President, Vice President (operations) and Digital Head of ISCB RSG India respectively
02/03/2023: Deeksha Pandey defended her PhD thesis. Congratulations Dr. Deeksha Pandey!
Diwali Celebration
Department of Biophysics
Department of Biophysics
Teachers’ Day Celebrations
Interaction Meet on 15 March 2022
Professor Manisha Goel Lab
Associate Professor Manish Kumar Lab
Professor Subhendu Ghosh Lab
Meet the Bioinformatics-episode 2 webinar organised on 29/04/2023 welcoming Prof. Kioko F. Aoki- Kinoshita from Soka University, Japan